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28 Quotes About Differences.

"It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences." - Audre Lorde

"Yeah, we have our differences, but we put those aside, and now we're making music. It's great." - Alex Van Halen

"I know there is strength in the differences between us. I know there is comfort where we overlap." - Ani DiFranco

"Man is this plural and collective unity in which the unity of destination and the differences of destinies are to be understood through each other." - Paul Ricoeur

"Strength lies in differences, not in similarities." - Stephen Covey

"What we have to do... is to find a way to celebrate our diversity and debate our differences without fracturing our communities." - Hilary Clinton

"We don't need a melting pot in this country, folks. We need a salad bowl. In a salad bowl, you put in the different things. You want the vegetables - the lettuce, the cucumbers, the onions, the green peppers - to maintain their identity. You appreciate difference."

- Jane Elliot

"Patriotism is love of country. But you can't love your country without loving your countrymen and countrywomen. We don't always have to agree, but we must empower each other, we must find the common ground, we must build bridges across our differences to pursue the common good." - Cory Booker

"Share our similarities, celebrate our differences." - M. Scott Peck

"The differences that separate human beings are nothing compared to the similarities that

bond us together." - Sophie Gregoire Trudeau

"I love new places, new people, new ideas. I love cultural differences, and I'm

fascinated by the truth - all the different versions of it." - Martin Henderson

"I believe that we are here for each other, not against each other. Everything comes from an understanding that you are a gift in my life - whoever you are, whatever our differences."

- John Denver

"Empathy is choosing to see ourselves in another despite our differences. It's recognizing that the same humanity - the same desire for meaning, fulfillment and security - exists in each of us, even if it's expressed uniquely." - Vivek Murthy

"People are pretty much alike. It's only that our differences are more susceptible to definition than our similarities." - Linda Ellerbee

"I will, from this day strive to forge togetherness out of our differences." - Josefa Iloilo

"We go on and on about our differences. But, you know, our differences are less important than our similarities. People have a lot in common with one another, whether they see that or not." - William Hall

"We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make which, over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee." - Marian Wright

"Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible - the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family." - Virginia Satir

"Too many of us still believe our differences define us." - John Lewis

"Our shared values define us more than our differences. And acknowledging those shared values can see us through our challenges today if we have the wisdom to trust in them again." - John McCain

"It is understanding that gives us an ability to have peace. When we understand the other fellow's viewpoint, and he understands ours, then we can sit down and work out our differences." - Harry S. Truman

"I do believe that the original sources of all religions should be taught, because with that we will find our similarities, not just our differences. I believe that if Mohammed, Buddha, Jesus, and Moses all got together they would be best of friends because the spiritual basis of all religions is something that builds unity." - Yehuda Berg

"Let's set aside our political and ideological differences and take a moment to love our families, hug our children, parents, and grandparents and through love and respect, strengthen the bonds that made us the greatest nation on Earth." - James Lankford

"We have to transcend our differences to transform our future." - Antonio Guterres

"We should always be looking for the unity in things instead of the differences." -

Genesis P-Orridge

"When men and women are able to respect and accept their differences then love has a chance to blossom." - John Gray

"I refuse to allow any man-made differences to separate me from any other human beings."

- Maya Angelou

"I've found that small wins, small projects, small differences often make huge differences."

- Rosabeth Moss Kanter


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